Borland Turbo Basic Compiler Downloadlogfasr

  • 1DOS Implementations

TI-Basic Compiler is an accessible and handy tool that can be accessed from the Command Line and can compile TI-BASIC code to the 8XP file format.This is used on Texas Instruments calculators, namely the TI-83, TI-83+ and TI-84+. Borland's Turbo Basic contains extensions to classical BASIC (while not breaking compatibility). One of those was a drawing API, and mouse access. Unlike most BASIC implementations of its time, Turbo Basic was a full compiler which generated native code for MS-DOS. It efficiently handles projects of any size and offers an easy and intuitive interface. PyPy: a fast, compliant alternative implementation of the Python language (2.7.3 and 3.2.3) with several advantages and distinct features including a Just-in-Time compiler for speed, reduced memory use, sandboxing, micro-threads for massive concurrency. Embarcadero, the company that now owns Borland's developer tools, gives away a lot of their antique software for free. Turbo Pascal 1.0, 3.02, and 5.5 are available, as are Turbo C 2.01 and Turbo C 1.01. PowerBASIC is a continuation of Borland TurboBasic maintained by its original author, Robert S. It was originally notable as a BASIC compiler, when most BASIC environments were interpreted.

Borland Turbo Basic Compiler Downloadlogfasr

DOS Implementations


  • BBC Basic - Discontinued but supplied for free with the Windows version of the product.
  • Bywater Basic - Open source
  • Canon Basic - Discontinued - A scripting variant of this language is still used for embedded programming by Canon.
  • GW-BASIC - developed by Microsoft for DOS OEM
  • IBM PC BASIC - developed by Microsoft for IBM PC
  • Mallard BASIC PC - developed by Locomotive Software Ltd.
  • MICRO-BASIC - developed by Dave Dunfield
  • Napoleon Brandy Basic - Open Source
  • PBASIC - Discontinued - Aka Digital Research Personal Basic or Metacomco Basic - compatible with CP/M MBASIC
  • QBasic - introduced with MS-DOS 5, also included in OS/2 2.0 and later versions.


Turbo Basic Compiler Download

  • Better Basic
  • CBASIC - Distributed by DRI
  • FranzBasic
  • Microsoft Visual Basic - Version 1 offered DOS support.
  • MTBASIC (Softaid)
  • MWBasic - Aka MB86
  • Sparry Basic
  • SuperSoft BASIC Compiler
  • Borland Turbo Basic
  • True Basic - Versions up to 4.01 supported DOS.
Borland c++ compiler


  • ApBasic
  • ASIC

Open Source

  • FreeBasic

Win-OS/2 Implementations

Borland Turbo Basic Compiler Download Fast Windows 8

  • CA Realizer - Versions 1 to 3 offer Win-OS/2 support.
  • GFA Basic - Discontinued - Free Download - Limited support available from a third party.
  • Liberty BASIC - Discontinued - Last version that works under Win-OS/2 is 2.02
  • Microsoft Basic Professional - Commercial - Cross development from DOS or OS/2 only.
  • Microsoft Visual Basic - Versions 1 to 4 offer Win-OS/2 support.
  • True Basic - Versions up to 5.3 supported Win-OS/2

Java implementations

  • HotTEA
  • Instant Basic for Java

JavaScript implementations

  • qb.js - Partially QBasic compatible, can be run inside a web browser or by using the JavaScript Desktop Enabler.

Borland Compiler 5.5

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