Doki Doki Literature Club Savesmultiprogramem

Doki doki literature club save them all mod

just Monica everybody no Yuri yeah let's go you're okay whoa whoa it's pulling me to Monica wait like okay looks. Like not oh yeah he's like he lets go of the mouse after he hovers over there you click on Yuri real quick nope oh yeah I feel like somebody's gonna scrapers, get those peepers well you did it you clapped on Yuri good job dawn I had a feeling that this was gonna happen parade it's like no. Matter what we did we're gonna have yeah I thought we were gonna cowboy okay. Well which one that one look. At Monica yeah I don't like you as a person we can meet at your house this weekend don't come to my. House how do you know all right please tell me where you live ha just kidding I already know, I've been tracking your phone Sunday I gave you know are you kidding me oh my god well the language all it is fair game he picked me I'm like I'm like just think, of like the scene in Clockwork Orange when you strapped down to the chair yes peeled open that's what he chose oh it's, not fair URIs like I thought we had something then taking Boone yard for your cue what a. Shameful thing to do guys please don't make her kill you Oh God I don't think.

Doki Doki Literature Club takes the traditional tropes of the horror genre to the next level by breaking the fourth wall. Changing the dynamics of game-player interaction, it subverts the expectations the player has of the game. You will dread every next scene while still manically clicking onward. Much like the other girls in Doki Doki Literature Club!, Natsuki isn't a variable anymore. Once act 2 reaches its end, Monika finally shows what the game's true color is and deletes Natsuki's files from the entire game. She can't be the best girl if she doesn't even exist in the game anymore– just Monika. The Doki Doki Virus (ドキドキ・ウイルス Doki Doki Uirusu) is a biological computer virus created by the Belief Club President Kai. It is the main topic in Re:Literature Club! The Doki Doki Virus, being a mystery in the first part of the game/fanfiction. 1 Appearance 2 Assumptions 3 Functions 3.1 Artificial intelligence 3.2 Doki Doki Virus Fever 3.2.1 Deviranger Virus Fever 3.3.

They're being unreasonable I'm being accountable oh ah ha ha ha BuChE is a, psycho eyes Monica I can't believe how delusional and self-important you are uh-oh pulling Bernard away from me every single time you're not included in. Something Oh catfight are you jealous Oh jelly jelly crazy Oh or maybe you just hate yourself so much all you, take it out on others oh my god she's here's, a suggestion have you considered killing yourself damn this has got real internet real fast I your mom by the way it would be beneficial to your mental. Health Wow okay yeah you're scaring all of us a thing killing, yourself would be beneficial for your mental oh she's she's given us sick burns, she's writing YouTube's comment all I want is to spend a little time with him is this because I just asked I think it's cause like Yuri follows Monica knots key. To the door oh hey Bernard Yuri is really something isn't she Wow so condescending Monica giggles as Yuri pushes her out the door oh no, now we're trapped in here with her finally finally just scratch it. Really all that I wanted God Bernard there's no need to spend. The weekend with Monica I have all the books in the world right here with me don't listen to her just come to my house instead oh good god a whole day with just the two of. Us doesn't that sound wonderful Wow there's really something wrong but you know what I don't care anymore mmm I have a, weapon to surpass metal gear Oh I've never felt this good in my whole life just being. With you as a far greater pleasure than anything I could imagine oh. I'm not crazy I'm addicted to you [Laughter] then this is hitting, close to home with some people I met in my real life it feels like I'm going to die if I'm not breathing the same air as. You doesn't it feel nice that someone care about you so much I love the, smell of your breath when you gave me a people you have someone who wants to revolve their entire, life around you oh isn't that the dream it feels so good then why does it feel. More and more like something horrible is going to happen oh maybe that's why I tried stopping myself at first the feeling, is too strong now I don't care are you more barnard I have to tell you I'm madly in love with you you don't say oh oh there's the twist it feels like every, inch of my body every drop of blood in me is screaming. Your name want to hear him I'm waiting for like blood to start seeping out of her face again I don't. Care what the consequences are anymore I don't care if Monica is listening do I get a say in this, wait says you you know she's okay I guess you think I don't care if she says yeah please Bernard just know how much I love, you I love you so much that they ieave InTouch myself with the pin I stole from you, that was kind of implied Dylan made like three episodes ago yeah I just want to pull. Your skin open and crawl inside of you oh that's how, you get me going I want you all to myself B how do you recover from this then that's like let me just get a word in please tell me you want to be my lover do you say, yes just say yes see what happens sure yeah yeah I I think if you say no she killed herself, I was, gonna say like yeah like real life I'm in this situation I'm like I say no no I probably like she probably has nice so yeah yeah she has a knife she hasn't [Laughter] seppuku sweet no. She had the knife well yep so I don't know if you, picked the right option or the wrong option or hmm hmm interesting the whole time I'm just like sitting there like, remember what I told you don't let her out of your sights I didn't does it matter she was she was armed the whole time this. Is why we need metal detectors at. Schools yeah this is why oh this is why we should have lived literature clubs you know what I'm like I think I'm, anti book now I think let's close down library this is actually anti book propaganda yeah. I'm just gonna say she won't be able to stab herself that easily yeah in the. Heart you have ribs there it's really hard to do well maybe she well maybe she just bled out Dylan in like four seconds maybe she just knows how to slip it. In there past those reasons already don't your ribs you'd have to do it horizontally the. Other way to school yeah like saying the directions she was no she's really, strong that that is the alternative oh yeah which it's like all right I guess I'm glad you didn't at, least stab me or maybe she stabbed like her leg heart the first time you know what yeah oh I can, read it wait huh what the uh-oh I think this is the beginning of the game yeah yeah because I think we're starting over yeah I think that's just, okay on to the next loop. Eventually calling that knife though hard reads yeah at the first time like she said she had a pocket knife on and remember that's not a pocket knife any. Knifes a pocket knife if you can fit it in your body that's, what she always taught holy get on with it well I mean to me her she is bleeding out so it's. Probably a lot of like yes he don't she's not dead we're watching her die slow I'm just waiting for, like Monica to creep in be like Shh oh no I don't think it's gonna do this I'm like this splash so if we say no does she stab us or. She stabs herself wrong yeah it's probably the same thing yeah yeah like when we were in. That situation and given where her character was direct like going, yeah I was like she's dis yeah she did okay you want us you want. Some help bud well I'm afraid I'm gonna skip something dead yeah yeah we're going to find guys yeah I really wish that I could read wingdings doesn't even wing-dings yeah this is uh.

Oh I haven't updated iOS yeah I don't have a boat it's just a really long poster that's a good oh don't I hope. If you die and you bleed out those are. Final words you just recite that heart I will put that on your grave don't emojis at all oh no we're gonna come by in to face your grave you'll, have a choice this is just something yeah you're dead bitch Oh alright whoever dies first out of flob gets everyone, else gets full pranking rights on, their grave I'm cool with that gonna help we're going on a fine page this is like I I don't know what's. Wait oh oh there you go it's been going so long it's like a nighttime now, actually yeah yeah that's yeah the Sun setting it's approaching dusk why are you skipping all the dialogue it's definitely getting darker okay yeah just yeah we're, gonna wait till morning comes where does the, average person support or are we supposed to just go to the main menu I feel like it but I want to see how long it'll let, us do this all right we are three people Dubai is getting , tired holy are we gonna cycle up in this purgatory State we get the secret you have to cycle through 1,000 days waveforms look great do we give up yet okay I think we, give up wait it looks thicker guys yes oh. I don't know what that was that was Monica yeah yeah the blood does look different Monica's not there yeah it looks dried yeah well okay actually yeah, well wait oh you can hold oh whoa I click the skip yeah okay we shot in this is probably what you're supposed to do Oh stay here. For a little bit yeah we're just gonna wait until the, corpses rotted you know take a drink of water we really like some.

Crazy jumps here I'm gonna die hey there we go Wow yep so you're supposed to skip cuz it stopped us right there yeah oil Suzu spit all right it's festival time wow you know. What just leave. Me here I've been here all weekend no no yeah before the festival oh yeah but yeah yes. Oh yes she just thought we'd blow here all weekend that was not oh yeah oh that's nice no skew for hey no way hey for nor did something happen now let's queue just ran past me oh, how dreadful well that's a shame damn shame that hate, to see that happen were you here the entire week in Pinole sure was oh geez I didn't realize the script was broken that badly yep all right yo Dan, sup Dan let me pass that room it must have been pretty boring I'll make it up to you okay, just give me a second all right there we go okay well you're he's, gone wow thanks Dan wait oh all right oh. Wait and so I'm almost done I was when uh Michael is the boy from the Train so she just went ahead knocked out – yeah Wow naughty dog you 86 something screams I'll never. Get a chance to yeah cuz you just in. 2-litre yeah before they stop existing and everything but anyway I really shouldn't be making. You wait any longer just bear with me okay no Haga second ha ha she just hacks our computer delete system32 this games actually malware, can you hear me hello is this thing on is it working yeah there you are alright we're in space that movie, is now many of you probably hi again Bernard um welcome to the literature club but this time in space you hear the Space Odyssey, music in the background yeah that's tough at, this point after all I'm not even talking to that person anymore am i what that you in the game whatever you oh so this is, she's talking with us she's not talking oh I'm talking you Bernard I'm a good thing she just thinks that's. Our thing yeah so whoops I don't know anything about the real you yeah okay I don't even know if you're a boy. Or a girl he's enter your credit card information social security number okay you do know I'm aware okay yeah yeah we've we've kinda we've kind of figured that out could. It be possible that you didn't know that no no you made it pretty obvious yeah yeah you're you're saying. So, yeah that doesn't make much sense I even told you right on the game's download page didn't I oh my for reached an outer yeah there's my phone I think I don't know that's up there on the. Thing yeah yeah all right you guys read this real quick I'm gonna. yeah your solid like look on the back of the box okay hold on hold on Shh should I continue yeah, continue yeah man if only you had paid a, little more attention this would have been a little bit less awkward you know son like when it says like is Alan doki-doki like calm or is it because we. Got it we got it from Steam yeah by assuming cuz you can also download it yeah from the website yeah for. Free I guess I owe you an explanation Debbie chill okay so on the website it goes hi Monica here Oh, welcome to the literature club it's always been. A dream of mine to make something special all the things I love now that you're a. Club member you can help make the make that dream come true in this cute game every day is, full of chitchat even just lists everyone I'm super excited for you to make friends with everyone that can help the literature club become a more intimate place for all my members but I can already tell you're. Sweetheart well you promised to spend the most time with me oh wow man Wow she's actually straight-up warned us. Yeah Paige all right about the whole thing with Yuri well it kinda started.

To mess with her I guess it just drove. Her to kill herself whoops yep you know as you do hahaha so I'm sorry you had to see that though oh hell yeah also the same thing happened, with say Orry yeah I kind of picked that up yeah gosh it's been a while since you've heard that name now hasn't it. Yeah why okay she doesn't exist anymore I don't know where in Spain nobody does oh it's just, us I deleted all their files we can spend time together what if we could go in the program files real quick and, back in yeah I was hoping it. Would be enough for me to just try to make them as unlikable as possible goddamn but for some reason nothing worked well it's true that I made, a few mistakes here and there since I'm not very good at making. Changes to the game okay no matter what I don't know what the I'm doing you just kept spending more and more time with them just really liked URI from the start okay, we made them fall in love with you I thought making say already more and more depressed would prevent, her from confessing to you hell and amplifying URIs obsessive personality backfire – it just made her for student, to not spend time with anyone else we'd spend the weekend yeah yeah and the whole time, I barely even got to talk to ya cuz I didn't like you from the start I kind of, liked her faster what kind of cruel game mrs. Bruno's you tell. Me or all of the other girls just programs to end up confessing to you while I watch from the, sidelines yes probably it's torture every minute of it and it's not gel its not just jealousy Bernard it's more than that and I don't blame you. If you don't fully understand your retard because no matter how kind and thoughtful and considerate you are you'll never be able to understand one thing girls. Jump-scare it's the pain of knowing how alone I really am in. This world in this game knowing my friends don't even have free will. And worst of all knowing what's really out there in your world forever out of my reach Oh God she's a reverse otaku Typhoon's I want a 3d man boy I want a. Boyfriend I'm trapped Barnard not but now you're here you're real okay and you're wonderful.

Kiss me you're all I need I need a girl with depth give me that z-axis girl that's why I need you to be here with, me forever oh those close the game I'm sorry it's hard to understand please do not press alt f4 please don't. Do that, I couldn't understand for a while either why the world around me sorry to become more and more greys you're with it right more. And more flats that's the 2d even the most expressive poems felt empty to me it's like they're rain through a poem generator.

It was until you arrived I truly understood quality poetry you probably saved my. Life with Nord I don't know I don't think ill you I could have continued to live in this world if I hadn't met you and, for the others how could I miss them they don't exist. Hey wait do the do the thing make the textbox disappear new background there we go yeah okay Wow okay don't worry I'm not going anywhere that's fine Oh okay well are you sure. Okay group of autonomous personalities designed only to fall in love with you and also I tried everything I could to prevent them from. Doing so but it must be some kind of weird. Inevitable inevitability ashed into this game I felt really bad that you, had to witness some nasty things yeah but I realized that you have the same perspective beside you hold on that is a very, presumptuous that's that it's all just some game ok fair and I knew you would get over it there you but fair so that being said Bernhard I have.

Doki Doki Literature Club Save File

A confession to make I'm. Dan Solano you've been dating me the whole time I'm in love with you shocker yeah you are truly the light in my world don't like this when there's nothing. Else in this game for me you're here to make me smile I don't like this will.

Doki Doki Literature Club Save File Download

You make me smile like this every day from now on you have to log on every day and applause it five dollars, come on man that's how I ask girls out I hand them a check box I guess I can't even go to the menu anymore say, yes clearly what he wants you to do I'm so happy really are my everything Bruno lead. Body part is I mean that literally aha see.


Doki Doki Literature Club Save Everyone

There's nothing left that window we're at it together you got this desk yeah nice desk we can be together forever watched like galaxies be. Born or what seriously I don't even think time is passing anymore it really is a dream come true for me, well if we're going like the speed of light you know then time actually did finish I thought about saying I didn't want, to be a dick the game wouldn't give me one so I had. To make one myself okay so she became aware that she was in a video game she's like oh it's the matrix the script is broken at this point so I don't think anything will get, in the way anymore and you wouldn't believe how easy it is how easy it was yeah, he's got senior II don't have the Program Files yeah I mean she just a to command this is called characters. Right in the game directory it kind. Of freaked me out how easy it was wait hold on well you're playing on steam so it's actually. A bit more difficult hey they were playing let's see Waylon what do you do you want. To go open do you think that we could delete her No Limit let me that seems like some that yeah hold up I think. If we deleted her character from from the game it would uh it would actually like with, it hmm yeah okay well I just want to see if it has like anything in. The files like anything that sticks out you know properties local files browse local files their characters Wow yeah so there's a folder that do we delete oh okay let's uh let's delete, her cave she's gone you just deleted her yeah I just deleted her Jacob literally just went into the game files and deleted. The Monica Oh what's, happening no way Bernard was half of all mine it hurts you just deleted her it hurts so much help me burn or clever yeah. I saw the dots EHR files and that's oh yeah help me wait what if. I undo no hold on hold on does not exist does not exist let's see what this did you. Do this to me porn or yes actually did you did you delete me yeah bitch get owned how could you how could you do this to me you told me how to do it I mean that's, why yes so we, could do it yeah that's cool nice I loved you so much boon Ord how long we sit there if yeah I was wondering that, to tell it for a long time no oh they're gone now stop talking I. Also wonder how early we can do that yeah let's try it out yeah yay you win. Ya killed everyone I didn't hope you're happy I did not kill there's nothing left now you can stop playing, go find some other people to torture I did that means we just have to okay regard you completely truly make me sick damn goodbye you too yeah, off to you well uh and then what I mean there's I still love you no I, can't help it what's wrong with me how horrible am i for you to hate me this much basically murdered several people all my friends are dead push. Me to me I did so many awful things. So many selfish and disgusting things I shouldn't have done any of this I agree I'm just messing up a world that I don't even belong in yeah a world that you.

Wanted to be a part of well yeah let's go at her back here ooh miles all, right control-z yeah okay she's back she's. Back he undid the deleting of her because I destroyed now it's all ready yeah yeah that's not love that's wait hello hello game I've made up my mind Bernard I know I said I deleted. Everyone else oh oh but that was kind of an exaggeration, I couldn't find it myself to do it even though I knew they weren't real what is going on they are still my friends are they. In a different folder and I love them well here yeah let me. See backup and uh I reading in the characters folder yeah wait that's why, I'm going to do this hold on I know it's the only way for everyone to be happy and if I really love you these nuts then I think. What the yep they actually just pop back up and yeah yep they just popped back up in the character folder we haven't. Pulled up on the and now she's gone yeah quick delete the other character before you start he'll be funny don't delete those. Real quick do you wanna yeah. Chat back out let's my god let's let's just delete you're not you're a dude straight not ski okay let's see how, this effects thing yeah back to the game click new game game hmm so see how clever this is yeah hmm I thought. The game was over yes Terry's still here that's fine haven't seen you in a while yeah okay we're going to the thing uh-huh hello I really. Want to know I really want to know because now the game was just us playing God yeah yeah holy. I decided to join the club yeah yeah like yeah Oh mm-hmm you. Guys start yeah you're gonna start I'm I'm starting the club now we all were are we Monica now I mean are we Monica yeah okay, yeah so we're starting the literature Club yep just the three of us just see what happens okay uh-huh. Who's here hello yep Bernard what are you doing here Lynn. Southern room hi girl cool number two I mean no I don't think it. Worked damn it yeah okay okay well makes sense but it's sad because I don't think this are actual files yeah the game really yeah the game just kind of reads are these files present mm-hmm, whatever would happen if we put Monica back in on. The title screen probably nothing yeah I think it's all just for show yeah it's a good show yeah a. Very good show it's a good show until you get to curious yeah all right we we're starting the literature club now mm-hmm there's four. Of us now it really doesn't stop coming no is it oh wait we had a whole new loop down. And now you know it's just like a normal dating is him now and now Monica is gonna be popping up nice to say re okay, cupcakes nice cool can you save probably yeah yeah okay okay hmm so Monica she's still got does she still have, power. I don't know uh like is she still lurking in the files yeah she's still Trojan horsing it up is she's stealing our credit card information right now dan you've piece of dan. He is so rich right now he said the game was. Free and this is why he takes everything Danny I know he worked on this game for like a couple years too so good yeah good Dan yeah he's got T nice, also you know like RPG maker. And like stuff like that they drop v VN maker oh you guys want to make a VN good lord why I can't write for that's, better what's dauntless have like a tin and episode filler or compass making a be hit for Dylan agent oh my gosh yeah this, are you in otaku this is just what we this is just a yeah. Groundhog Day of food first of the gas so look let's rock let's rock oh we can't even click skip yeah yeah yeah rock, and roll bless oh yeah say this he say alright now no hutch wait wait go go to history real quick so, you can see what he burn or I really want to thank you I mean I'm really happy that you joined the club, and everything but true this I already knew you were going to there's actually something else I, want to thank you getting rid of Monica that's right I know everything that she did maybe it's because I'm the, president now but I, didn't really know everything for nor hehehe alright okay okay I know about all of the awful things I Monica did to make. Everyone really sad but none of that matters anymore Oh cuz it's just us now no and we will doki-doki forever she's gonna take us into the , room she's good we're going to space and you made me the happiest girl in the whole world going. To the TARDIS no can't wait to spend every day, like this with you I know I'm really sorry forever and ever we're going to the Black Lodge and press f to pay respects oh it's suppose for ever you can skip past this, the you don't skip past somebody's give us the actual dialogue, wait hold on no no oh oh yeah what's happening is she coming. Back I won't yeah yeah I'm working at it whoo-hoo ciao my bones sorry I was wrong my mom there's no happiness here after all she's gonna pop back and goodbye as they Ori goodbye Bernard Oh. Goodbye litter for Club Doki Doki excuse crash I bet the game, in delete itself just off your computer yeah it's just gonna like huh well there's something and then it just turns into super smash made go don't mess with the antennas. Again see some squash our eyes aha so you know like practicing piano and stuff no Monica yeah. Oh my god the should be idle not yep it's the yep goddamn. And then what I imagine a future where this. Reminds me a portal yeah yeah this is very portal just because like a lot else is ending things are always very creepy yeah yet like Kali yeah deceivingly Charlie yeah, right your way into his heart , man damn that uh what will it take to find that special day there he is there's Dan there say. Ari oh let's remove their what's a word yeah the game the game is just going away now whoo good job satchel II good job there we go good that's character on partnered background art delinquent more like, deleted belongs in the trash writing of course Dan yeah which, one's juicy good you should get some promotional posters dan not there are. You Dan music dance lovato dan you have a lovely voice yeah I didn't realize you could sing with that, picture then it's not found it's not found not a hold her down vocals Jillian Ashcraft that's a name thank you okay special thanks I don't remember that one. Either yeah Pro just didn't get it TV yeah maybe the ones that are white and white or like the. Things we didn't yeah no that's actually probably what it is yeah yeah.

Doki Doki Literature Club Save Them All Mod

Yeah damn okay oh look everything's happy it's fine so fine like our options kind of matter we just say same outcome yeah we just, visit different parts of the game yeah well hey the chibis didn't get deleted that's cool there she is special thanks, Monica bernard by piper ignored everyone in the comments say bye bye preneur many deleted scripts made with love there's gonna be some credits right there made the. Game the game crashes right it's my final goodbye to the literature club i finally understand the literature club. Is truly a place where no happiness can be found to the very end and continue. To expose innocent minds who are. Horrific reality a reality that a world is not designed to comprehend I can't let any of my friends undergo that same hellish, epiphany for the time it lasted I want to thank you for making all of my dreams come true for being a friend to all of the club members and most of, all thank you for being a part of, my leadership Club with everlasting love Monica oh yeah good game I'm happy with that .